Introducing: The Mum Club

Introducing: The Mum Club

Introducing: The Mum Club

We talk a lot at ByRuby about the purpose of our seriously special meals being to make your lives easier. Having hand-made and delicious food in your freezer not only makes the world of difference for time-poor or inspiration lacking days, but it also opens up a world of possibilities, giving a break and guilt-free time off to those who need it the most.

And let’s be honest, there are few people in the world that deserve a break than mums. We love hearing stories of appreciation from so many mums who buy or get given our meals, about having something out there that is a gift they can also enjoy (and reap the rewards from!), rather than, as is often the case, centred wholly around the children.


This mum-centred approach is one that can all too often be overlooked. However, we recently came across an amazing company that has similarly made it their mission to put focus back on the mums in a way that is both refreshing and fun. We spoke to the founders, Lauren Webber and Jessica Lawes, of The Mum Club to find out a bit more about why they built their company, what they do, and how you can get involved.


Overview of The Mum Club

Founded in 2016 by Lauren Webber and Jessica Lawes, The Mum Club is an event-based community and members club for women who happen to have children. It was born out of a unique need for support throughout the monumental change that is motherhood, and the desire to create a space that truly focuses on the women themselves – something that they both found lacking in the baby-centric groups that already exist in the market.


Q: You are both mothers yourselves, and not only this (which is a full job in itself!), but you’ve also co-founded and run what looks like a very busy business! For any other mothers out there who may find juggling motherhood along with simply surviving, let alone finding time to enjoy themselves, what top 3 things would you say if you could speak to them?


  1. It's ok to do things your own way. People are different and people's family set ups are different. Do what works for you.
  2. You'll confuse needing time off from being a mum and time off everything else to just be a mum. You need the latter much more. 
  3. Motherhood is a strength like no other.


  1. Motherhood can be lonely even when you are surrounded by people, but you must remember you are not alone in this.
  2. Mum mates are everything! 

  3. You don't have to do EVERYTHING.

Q: Can you tell us more about The Mum Club Events?

There is nothing quite like real life human connection. Our events give women the facility to make friends who live close by to them, who are raising babies of a similar age. They give women the chance to say 'hey, me too!' and it is brilliant to be a part of.

There is little out there aimed at the mother, when actually as cheesy as this may sound when a baby is born a mother is born too. It's a minefield and to be able to bring women together to figure it out together is really what The Mum Club is all about.

Q: Why should people join The Mum Club and what can it offer?

The Mum Club provides a community for women to meet, laugh, learn, discuss, and ultimately build supportive authentic relationships, and it offers unapologetically honest insights, not to mention exclusive member offers and discounts from carefully curated brand partners.

We really believe that, having been there ourselves (and to be honest still being there!), we know what women need, and the idea of The Mum Club is to treat these women with intelligence and respect for who they are, not what they are.

Q: How can I join?

Buy the ticket; turn up and The Mum Club provides the rest. The food, the coffee, the wine, the sitter, and the conversation. 

Not up to leaving the house yet? We’ve also got online membership options that connect to advice guides, expert led articles, a forum with other mums, brands, and exclusive offers.

To join the club and find out more sign up here
